Subject : English language

Driving force : Kinds Of Fruits

Class / semester : I. / II.

Appointment goes to : I

Allocation Time : 1 x appointments ( 1 x 45 minutes)

Interest default

1. Listening : - Identifying name numbers suitably been heard

- Understanding simple instruction about fruit name

2. Speaking : Revealing simple instruction.

3. Reading : Understanding simple reading about fruit.

4. Writing : Spell and writes fruit name.

Base interest

1. Listening : Respons is instruction by undertaking activity which gets bearing by the name of fruit.

2. Speaking : - Simulating talk in idiomatic very simple ala gets to accept ( what do you like? ).

- Name severally fruit name.

- Naming preferred fruit name.

- Get question-answer about fruit which is liked.

3. Reading : - Reading word clarion that as name of fruit on the nose.

- Reading simple sentence clarion about fruit on the nose.

4. Writing : - Copying name writing numbers into English language.

- Spelling English language very simple that involves to say and sentence very simple.


1. Listening : - Pointing out fruit according to that is heard aright.

- Respons is instruction by undertaking activity which gets bearing by the name of fruit aright.

2. Speaking : - Name severally fruit name with pronounced and intonation that really.

- Naming preferred fruit name deep sentence with pronounced and intonation that really.

- Asking preferred fruit name someone with pronounced and intonation that really.

3. Reading : - Reading word clarion that as name of fruit with pronounced and intonation that really.

- Reading simple sentence clarion about fruit name.

4. Writing : - Answering reading question aright.

- Arranging name numbers.

I. To the effect Learning

Student can:

- Get interaction word of mouth and written with teacher and friend in English language simpling to hit fruit name.

- Naming name numbers in accordance with available answer.

- Memorizing name numbers.

- Simulating fruit name that is heard.

- Get question-answer about fruit which liked by friend.

- Listening story that is read learns.

- Reading preferred fruit clarion.

- Matching image with other fruit.

- Arranging random word as fruit name.

II. Subject material

- Numbers( fruits)

III. Learning method

1. Gaze Face

Getting model – pronounced model and action from teacher, particularly deep:

- Naming name numbers.

- Get question-answer about fruit name.

2. Most structure :

- Copying name numbers.

- Memorizing name numbers

3. Independent :

- Get question-answer about fruit name with outdoor comate class.

IV. Step – Learning Stage

A. Early activity :

- Teacher give greeting, student answers greeting.

- Pray, getting things square material teaches

- Teacher ask for student by turns to name fruit name in Indonesian, Student names fruit name.

- Teacher ask if they known about name English language numbers, merespons's student question.

B. Activity Fundamental :

- Student requested to open page that loads to draw various numbers, student economist to draw.

- Teacher give name uttering model numbers point image, student listens.

- Teacher give activity explanation that shall do student which is point out fruit image accord those are pointed learn, student reassures teacher information.

- Teacher name aubergine name, student points to draw fruit.

- Teacher word activity in speak, which is teacher asks What is your favourite fruit ? and student answers with expression I like …. according to image, student listens.

- Teacher word and give express uttering model those are utilized to answer question, student collectively simulate teacher.

- Teacher and student get interaction with express that for commute information about fruit which they like.

- Coupled ala student gets interaction to get question-answer about fruit which is liked, teacher economist.

C. Final activity :

- Teacher ask for ala student alternate to name fruit name in English language, student names fruit name.

- Making conclusion of material that is passed on.

- Doing post essays

- Homework or task application

V. Tool and Studying Source

A. Tool Display :

- Image numbers

- Pencil

- Numbers

B. Learned source :

- SD's English Language schoolbook 1. class, Publisher Yudhistira

- KTSP Active English SD 1

VI. Appraisal

Aspect that is assessed :

Listen / speaking : - Express purpose

- Uttering, structure, vocabulary

- Attitude

Read : - Uttering, structure, vocabulary

- Text structure

Write : - Spelling, punctuation mark, longhand elegance

- Structure

Estimation trick :

1. Tech : Oral and is written

2. Form : Objektif and non objektif

3. Instrument :


1. What do you like?

I. like … .

2. What is your favorite fruit?

I. like … .

Answer key

( relative)



Ka. SDN 09 Tangerang Teacher are 1. class

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