School name :

Subjeck study : English

Pertemuan / time : first / 2jp x 30 second

Metode : discussion

  1. kompetensi dasar

to identificate the wild animals live in the zoo.

  1. indicator

to identificate about many kind of wild animals

  1. essencial matery

wild animals

  1. media belajar

English book class three SD

  1. rincian kegiatan pembelajaran siswa.
  1. pendahuluan

the teacher said about indicator and kompetensi.

( 5 second )

  1. kegiatan inti

the student mention the wild animals that they knew.

The teacher explained the type of wild animals.

( 50 second )

  1. ending

memberikan kesimpulan bahwa

available so much wild animals in the zoo.

  1. homework

answer these questions …..!!!!!

    1. mention 5 wild animals that you knew??
    2. speel the name of that animals???
    3. read the name of that animals??


    1. wolf





    1. speel

wolf ( double yu-ow-el-ef )

python ( pi-way-ti-eich-ow-en )

tiger ( ti-ai-ji-i-ar )

lion ( el-ai-ow-en )

crocodile ( si-ar-ow-si-ow-di-ai-el-i )

    1. read

wolf ( wolef )

python ( piton )

tiger ( taiger )

lion ( laien )

crocodile ( krokodail )

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