Name Of School : SD ...

Subject : English

Class / semester : I / I

Standard Interest :Identifying the name of fruits is matching with the one which taught by teacher.

Elementary Interest


Direct material

1.1 Listening

Instruction response by doing activity related to name of fruits.

· Doing activity related to name of fruits.

Teacher ask student to show type picture fruit exist in class in blackboard is matching with the one which mentioned by teacher. Student show object as referred by teacher.

Teacher instruct

Touch the apple ! Touch the mango ( student govern with action )

1.2 Speaking

Imitating the name of fruits.

· Mentioning the name of fruits with real intonation.

· Enquire reply/ answer about fruits took a fancy to.

· Melon ( ‘Melәn )

· Pineapple (‘painæpl )

· Banana (Bә’nα:nә )

Question example :

Mr. teacher what is the meaning of apple ?

1.3 Reading

Reading is piercing of word which in the form of name of fruits.

· Reading is piercing of word which in the form of name of fruits with real correct intonation and uttering.

· Reading is piercing of simple sentence about name of fruits.

Student read articulate by ear the name of fruits with real correct intonation, like :

· Mango (‘Mæŋgou )

· Strawberry (‘Strכ:b(ә)ri )

I have four bananas

She buys an apple

1.4 Writing

Spelling and writing the name of fruits.

· Indicate the article of name of fruits as according to its picture.

· Writing down the name of fruits in Ianguage of english with real correct spelling.

· Anggur : Grape

· Semangka : Watermelon

· Jeruk : Orange

· Strawberry

· Pineapple

· Orange

· Watermelon

Knowing …………., ………………

Headmaster Learn English

( ) ( )

Nip :………… Nip :……………

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